
Written by a team of travel industry professionals and published monthly, Inside Traveller is crammed with the latest news, tips, little known perks, unpublicised deals, upgrades and money-saving loopholes the travel industry would rather you didn’t know about. You won’t find this information anywhere else.

Here are some typical examples of the kind of deals we pinpoint for you each month:

  • A night at the London Ritz (value around €900) absolutely FREE
  • Save over £1,500 on a business class round-the-world ticket
  • Stop over in Rome, Zurich or Vienna absolutely free
  • Double – or more – the places your air miles will take you
  • Save £300 or more on flights to the Caribbean, South Africa, the Far East…
  • Gain free entry into business lounges at London’s leading airports
  • Earn more in the value of frequent flyer points than the cost of the ticket
  • Save 55% on the Heathrow Express – bringing the cost down to just £7.50.

Inside Traveller – full of tips and good advice to improve your travelling experience…

“You won’t find this information anywhere else.”

What’s more, we also show you how to get the best deals when you book your travel on the internet, over the phone, or face to face with your travel agent:

“Once again you’ve come through. Used the email address for easyJet and was refunded in 24 hours! Thanks!”LA, Bristol (May 2010)

  • How to take advantage of money-saving loopholes in airline, hotel and car rental online booking systems
  • How to “get clever” when booking on the internet and search out the flaws in online travel sites
  • How to buy the cheapest round-the-world airfares and where to find discount travel insurance
  • How to get the very best hotel rates as a matter of course.

Inside Traveller is the only travelling guide and travellers tips newsletter to show you how to get better value and bigger discounts on airfares and travel services without compromising on your comfort or safety.


Exclusive, inside information you will find nowhere else

Each issue of The Inside Traveller travelling guide and travellers tips newsletter contains exclusive, hard to obtain information such as:

  • Paying the absolute minimum price for everything whether renting a small car for a day or flying first class around the world.
  • Taking the discomfort and stress out of travel. The queues, the crowds, the uncomfortable seats…
  • Putting the glamour and luxury back into travel: Flat beds on long haul flights, suites in 5 star hotels, luxury car rentals…
  • Learning the little wrinkles and tricks that will give you the edge: How to get an upgrade, how to get the airlines to give extra miles, how to get VIP treatment in airports.
  • Updates on crucial issues such as safety, routings, carbon offsetting, in-flight entertainment, cruise deals, train deals and so much more.

When you book an airfare, hotel or car rental online or through an agent – even if you are getting what appears to be a good deal – are you certain there is nothing else available?

Do you sometimes travel economy, premium economy or even business class and yearn to be nearer the front of the plane but only at the same price or less?

Are you getting upgrades at every conceivable opportunity? Are you maximising the number of points you receive on your frequent flier and other loyalty programmes?

If these are the sorts of questions you sometimes ask yourself then we are certain that Inside Traveller will be of immense value to you. Our Travelling Guide and Travellers Tips Newsletter can ensure you get the best deal available.

“Be confident in the knowledge that you are not paying over the odds…”

Subscribing to our travelling guide and travellers tips newsletter will show you how to travel to your chosen destination confident in the knowledge that you are not paying over the odds, and avoiding unnecessary ‘hidden’ airline fees.

“Avoid Hidden Fees”

David Stone is our editor and he has over 30 years’ experience in the travel industry. He’s well placed to analyse the news, highlight trends, and make predictions. His network of contacts and contributors gives him insights that you won’t find in the national press, and his personal commitment to you getting the best deal infuses the pages of the publication.

David is also chairman of the team behind our Ask-the-Experts service to which all subscribers may pose their travel questions. See the panel near the top of the right hand side of this page for more on this free service.